Monday, July 8, 2013


Moving on can be such a momentous time... In this case it is a time to refresh and get clarity. So much has happened over the last week. Lots of hurtful things have been said, with one person at the butt of it all. Do I feel this person deserves it? Not at all... 
Do I think this person started something with good intentions? Absolutely...
Was she in over her head? Yes... Everything happens for a reason and I believe she will become a stronger individual for it.
 What does this have to do with me you may say! Well so much negativity has a person reevaluating things and what direction they want to go in. In my case it has fueled my fire... 
Am I ok with what has happened to me over the last 6 months... No and Yes it has me moving on... 
Am I sad for what that one person started in my life and others? Yes I feel sorry for them, they are very a self minded individual and have a lot of growing to do. I feel for them and hope they can find peace... 
What is next for me? Well blogging more, taking care of myself for the first time in 37 years. The sad part that has come out of this is my distrust of others... Hopefully over time this will change. For now though there is that one person that seems to show up in all I do, trying to be bigger and better than me and everyone else, but I no longer let that bother me. I tried to reach out and there was nothing there... No apology nothing I now know that I did the right thing by severing ties I am just sorry that it affected others.
I know this is a random post but my blog is about my thoughts and my moving on and I needed to write this for me, so I can come back and read where it all changed and where my strength returned!! 
Goodbye Facebook, goodbye person... Hello future!!!
❤❤❤❤ to all and peace... Deep Breath and Breathe!!!! The future is not written so make it count! 
Love is everywhere... you just have to look!

1 comment:

  1. thank you for your thoughts!

    It's interesting, Yours is the only mention of what is happening with the AC that I have been able to find. It's frustrating because I have no clue what is happening.

    So at least at this point i know that SOMETHING has happened and that this person has actually let people down -- that I am not the only one.

    Do you have any info? Where can I read about what is actually happening with this situation? Please feel free to email me at rsmryx at gmail dot com
